SOLIKE does fully respect intellectual property rights of third parties and has a strict zero-tolerance policy against any counterfeit and/or infringement of intellectual property.
We do regularly review the listings in our website in order to avoid any possible intellectual property infringement. If any listing is found to violate SOLIKE’s policy, it will be removed.
Despite our efforts to avoid any sale of infringing products on our website, due to the high number of products, providers and sellers, there are times in which we cannot detect or identify intellectual property infringements. That is why we strongly encourage our customers or intellectual property right holders to cooperate with us. In this sense, if you believe your intellectual property right has been infringed, we urge you to let us know about it and to follow our procedure of complaint.
1.Eligible complaints include:
● Trademark Infringement: Unauthorized use of an identical or similar trademark on goods which are identical with, or similar to, the goods for which the trademark is registered.
● Patent Infringement: Unauthorized use of others’ granted Design Patent or Utility Patent.
● Copyright Infringement: Unauthorized use of the content or photos created by others or sell others’ copyright works, including books, CDs, software, etc.
● Other activities that violate local Intellectual Property Law.
2.Procedure of complaint:
You can start a complaint by submitting a Notice of Claiming Infringement. The Notice can be submitted to us by email: Upon receipt of your Notice, we will conduct a fast internal investigation, and should your complaint be accepted, we will take actions against the alleged infringing listing/s accordingly.
3.Actions we may take against the infringing listing/s:
● To remove from our website the alleged infringing listing/s.
● To inform the seller about your complaint and to provide to them with your information, so that you both can clarify the issue.
● To remove selling privileges and to withhold funds from the infringing sellers, as well as to destroy infringing inventory in our possession when the infringement proved to be true or upheld by court.
● To terminate the user account of the infringing seller in case of three (3) willful infringements.
● To terminate the user account of the infringing seller immediately, under certain extreme situations where lawsuit has been filed against SOLIKE due to seller’s infringing activities, or SOLIKE is required by judiciary, enforcement or administrative authorities to terminate any account or take any similar measures.
The infringement case will be recorded for one (1) year from the date in which any penalty has been imposed.
SOLIKE 完全尊重第三方的知識產權,並對任何假冒和/或侵犯知識產權的行為採取嚴格的零容忍政策。
我們會定期審查我們網站上的列表,以避免任何可能的知識產權侵權。如果發現任何列表違反了 SOLIKE 的政策,它將被刪除。
● 商標侵權:在與註冊商標的商品相同或者近似的商品上擅自使用相同或者近似的商標。
● 專利侵權:未經授權使用他人授權的外觀設計專利或實用新型專利。
● 侵犯版權:未經授權使用他人創作的內容或照片或出售他人版權作品,包括書籍、CD、軟件等。
● 其他違反當地知識產權法的行為。
● 從我們的網站上刪除涉嫌侵權的列表。
● 將您的投訴告知賣家並提供給他們您的信息,以便你們雙方能夠澄清問題。
● 取消侵權賣家的銷售特權並扣留其資金,並在侵權行為被證明屬實或被法院支持時銷毀我們擁有的侵權庫存。
● 在三(3)次故意侵權的情況下,終止侵權賣家的用戶帳戶。
● 在某些極端情況下,如因賣家的侵權行為而對SOLIKE提起訴訟,或司法、執法或行政部門要求SOLIKE終止任何帳戶或採取類似措施的情況下,立即終止侵權賣家的用戶帳戶。
侵權案件將從處罰之日起記錄一 (1) 年。